Marketing Q&A with Ben Barber!
On this episode of Business Over Breakfast host, Ben Barber of D&B Media held a Q&A session on everything marketing and digital marketing related. On the last Tuesday of every month, Business Over Breakfast will be a Q&A session where viewers can submit questions in advance or throughout the live episode.
Question 1: Can podcasts actually help my small business?
As Ben Barber shared, “there is a two-fold answer, everything is contextual.” But in short, yes! Podcasts can be beneficial, but it depends on what your business is, who your audience is, etc. One way a podcast can work for you is if you’re an expert about something and sharing that knowledge would help grow your business. The second way in which a podcast can work is if it’s adjacent to your business. Anything that you are not selling to your customers is going to help you. You don’t want your customer to feel like you’re just trying to sell them on something. Podcasts can help create a community within your business. So where should you start? Start listening to other podcasts in your related field. Find some inspiration and act on it!
Question 2: I post consistently and nothing ever changes, what am I doing wrong?
“Creativity is the variable of success” You want to make sure that the content you are posting isn’t the same every day. For example, if you own a sandwich shop you don’t want to be posting the daily special on social media every day. The opportunity to build a brand is being lost if the content is too similar. Try having a customer appreciation day once a week! What is their story? Who are they? Does your company sponsor any local teams organizations? Showcase them on your social media account! Your customers want to know what is going on behind the scenes. Rather than posting similar photos try creating your own digital content. Platforms like Canva are designed to help you change it up and the best part is it’s fun!
Question 3: How do I advertise locally without money for ads on Facebook and Instagram and social media?
Short and simple, “find a way to be a part of your community.” Engage your community through organic social media. Know your business and its relevance. . Join in on conversations that are happening, bring value to those conversations. If you don’t have money to advertise, then the best thing that you can do is give your time and be thoughtful. Word of mouth is crucial. Create a brand that others will recognize and want to talk about.
To hear all the Q&A’s and how to incorporate these into your business watch the whole show above.
If you have any questions you’d like answered by our marketing experts please submit them at or message us on our social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Don’t forget to catch live episodes of Business Over Breakfast every Tuesday morning at 9:00 am streaming on our Facebook page.